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Electric System Management

904. Electric System Management

Effective management and installing upgrades to electrical systems and devices can reduce demand and operating costs.




  • When repairs are made, consider direct replacement with energy efficient devices.
  • Consult manufacturer’s product guide to identify products that incorporate “green” technology.
  • Wastes generated from system upgrades should be recycled where possible or disposed of properly.




  • In larger buildings using multiple motor driven devices, consideration should be given to staggering the start time of these devices to diminish peak electrical demand loads.
  • Consideration should be given to upgrades of variable frequency drives and associated controls on motors to increase efficiency and diminish power usage.
  • Purchase high efficiency motors to replace failed units and existing old motors.
  • Implement scheduled maintenance programs to ensure proper operation of motors and associated components.




  • When considering replacement or new lighting needs, an experienced lighting “technician” should be consulted to advise proper fixture, location, and wattage requirements. Specifications from expert to include life cycle costs, such as purchase price, energy use, and disposal.
  • Use low mercury fluorescent bulbs when replacements are needed.
  • Verify that light bulb recyclers and handlers can provide documentation of proper bulb disposal and recycling.
  • A campus bulb collection, storage and disposal procedure should be established and utilized.
  • Establish a segregated storage area for waste bulbs.
  • Use occupancy sensors in low or occasional use areas.
  • Replace or retrofit old lighting fixtures with newer, more efficient bulbs and ballast technologies.
  • Fluorescent lighting should be considered to replace incandescent lighting. This can be done in almost all applications.
  • Replace old exit signs using incandescent bulbs with more efficient technology, such as LED.
  • Use smaller diameter fluorescent bulbs (T-5, T-8) to replace older larger bulbs (T-12, T-10). In order to accomplish this, the use of new electronic ballasts is required.
  • Ensure proper management and disposal of capacitors, ballasts and transformers that contain PCB. Documentation of proper disposal should be on file and readily accessible.